Our Team

Photo of Anthony W. Conner

Anthony W. Conner

Partner/Financial Services Professional

Photo of John B. Conner

John B. Conner

Partner/Financial Advisor

Photo of Wesley A. Brugh

Wesley A. Brugh

Partner/Financial Advisor

Photo of Crystal Knuttgen

Crystal Knuttgen

Financial Advisor

Photo of Gretchen W. Beedle

Gretchen W. Beedle

Financial Advisor

Our Associates

Photo of Catherine Nolen

Catherine Nolen

Manager and Administrative Assistant to Anthony

Photo of Becca Abshire

Becca Abshire

Executive Assistant to John

Photo of Zoe M.Lauridsen

Zoe M. Lauridsen

Executive Assistant to Gretchen & Anthony

Photo of Jenni Reeves

Jenni Reeves

Director of Operations and Client Services for Wesley