Zoe M. Lauridsen

Zoe M. Lauridsen joined The Conner Group in July 2022. While working with us, she graduated from Marshall University with a degree in General Business and a double minor in Management and Marketing. Zoe is the Executive Assistant to Gretchen W. Beedle and Anthony W. Conner. Born and raised in Botetourt County, Zoe has loved to grow up and stay in the beautiful Roanoke Valley. Apart from work, Zoe enjoys attending plays, musicals, and concerts along with traveling, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. One of her personal goals is to visit all fifty states and she is halfway there. Another goal is to see a Broadway show in every Broadway Theatre in New York City.

Fun Facts


Band Camps Survived


Collegiate Bowl Game Attended & London New Years Day Parade Marched in the same month


Older Siblings (two of which were born in Canada)